It's shaping up to be one of those weeks. I'm officially in the third trimester. The temperature each day ranges in the mid to upper…
Month: July 2016
Here are the fun toddler milestones we've reached this week: 1. We recently became aware enough to spot toys in the store and then…
People often forget to tell you that childbirth isn’t the end of the war on your pride. Here are just a few of the ways…
[youtube] It was one of those days. It wasn't even what you'd call a bad day--just draining in its own way. The toddler laid down…
In honor of my last week of second trimester, enter six year old: "Mom I'm really starting to like your tummy big." Thanks...sweetie.... :) lol
Step One: Choose a target. (Grandpas are almost always a good target.) Sing grandpa to sleep. Step Two: Place snaps under grandpa's feet while…