I guess it’s time for my once a year post on this blog. Sigh.
Every year the New Year prompts a new round of reflection, and inevitably the question of what form(s) my writing will take for the coming year. In other words… what am I doing with this blog that I keep paying the yearly $12 renewal to keep the URL for?
In its infancy, this blog was a space for me to write to keep my sanity in my early days as a stay at home mom and so even though blogging was never really my dream I can’t help but have an emotional attachment to this virtual space. And also…a lot has changed. I am in the final stages of my Master’s degree, so that’s where the bulk of my writing happens these days. I’m also working again part time. And even though parenting has changed like they warned me it would if I blinked, even though we are out of diapers now and mostly sleep through the night, life is still as busy and full as ever and parenting is still more than a full time job.
So writing blog posts just to write them… it’s not high on the priority list. I can’t and won’t make you any promises that this space is going to revive itself suddenly in any previous form. But this space was never really about churning out content. It was about me recording and processing life and motherhood for my own sanity. And since that’s still a thing I’m doing, maybe we aren’t done here just yet.
Once of the things on my resolution/intention list is to find ways to pay greater attention and to be more intentional in my daily practices. Life is busy and I don’t want to just be swept along in a river of busy. So this year I’m thinking back to a project from my way back when I did a daily photo journal and wrote thoughts about (or perhaps unrelated to) the photo. I’ve been craving that type of simple, thoughtful practice again. So I’m going to go for it.
So here we are. January 1, 2022. What happens next? Only one way to find out.