Did you know that carpal tunnel syndrome is an actual side effect of pregnancy? Apparently about 25% of people get it, says the Internet. Most likely it’s because of how swollen my hands/wrists have been. Sigh.

So now, in addition to being a blimp, being swollen, being sore, being tired, and having heartburn from hell, I wake up every morning with my wrists/hands on fire. 

I love my kids and I appreciate the miracle of pregnancy but


Third trimester is its own special brand of shit sandwich. 


  1. I hear you, sister! Last pregnancy I had tendinitis in both hands for like half the pregnancy… Instead of carpal tunnel I got one in a different tendon, which is less common. This pregnancy I’m now getting the tingly arms and fingers and I can feel the troublesome spot is actually up in my shoulders. Fun times!

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