It's not always possible to see the ways you grow and change over time. But sometimes it's possible to get a little glimpse. For me,…
We are in the six week trench. I wrote the first draft of this post a week ago at two in the morning, but couldn't…
The six year old is on a kick where she prefers to pick her own outfit and do her own hair. For the most part,…
[caption id="attachment_1573" align="aligncenter" width="336"] Actually cooking lunch (that the toddler won't eat anyway).[/caption] Today was my first day on my own all day with the…
We are three weeks in to life with three littles. Update: I have no clue what I'm doing. Truth be told, I didn't even before…
Adding another human to a family is like blowing up a five thousand piece puzzle that had already been put together and reassembling it all…
One week ago today I had a doctor's appointment. I was 37 weeks and 2 days along, and still had 15 days until my scheduled…
My grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this weekend. It was a beautiful evening at a beautiful winery with live music and good food and…
Last month my parenting book of the month was a book about play. I picked it thinking it would focus on children and play. However,…
I started listening to the audiobook "Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids" by Dr. Laura Markham. I'm barely through the introduction and it's already making me think.…