Today gets three photos. Because this morning my four year old walked out with her "bra" full of toilet paper. I laughed and then told…
As we grow older, we develop these "rules" in our head about what you can and can't do, the way things should or shouldn't be.…
[caption id="attachment_91" align="alignleft" width="225"] One of us is sporting our first cloth diaper. Can you guess who?[/caption] 1. Cloth diapers? That's still a thing? 2.…
A lobster for our indoor rainy-day beach. Kid art is the best.
First of all, can we just take a minute to laugh hysterically at the phrase "sleep training"? It's a seriously ridiculous and misleading phrase. As…
I took the weekend off from writing. Inspiration comes in spurts. Sometimes it chatters at you like a certain four year old I know, with…
Today is the first day of Spring. The equinox. We celebrated under a blue, blue Nebraska sky. The changing of the seasons is such a beautiful…
It's the little things. Like a favorite coffee mug.
Today I got new glasses. Here's to seeing things more clearly.
Today was St. Patrick's day. Are you wondering why I'm posting a picture of my kiddo sitting in a pile of snacks rather than a…