[caption id="attachment_1935" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The oldest and the youngest <3[/caption] My dear sweet first baby, It seems like just yesterday it was just you and…
Author: megan@keeperofthesnacks.com
My third child is the best last baby I could have asked for. But probably not in the way you are imagining. You see, somewhere…
My toddler is sweet and funny and smart. And she is also stubborn and independent and strong-willed. (It's possible she is also a little spoiled.…
If I Were Writing a Real-Life, In-The-Trenches Sleep Book For Parents, This Would Be the Intro
A Book About Sleeping And Not Sleeping For Human Parents of Human Children By Me Introduction If you're reading this, you probably have at least…
Some things are harder to write about than others. I try my best to do a lot of truth-telling on this blog. That often means…
Today was one of those days where someone needed something All. Day. Long. The baby needed to be fed. The baby needed to be changed.…
I wrote this whole post, and when I went back to re-read it, it sounded like a giant pity party. So this is take two.…
I failed at sleep training. On my third child no less. As though somehow having two humans before this one some how made me more…
[caption id="attachment_1874" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Sunset in Key West[/caption] This weekend was a rough one on the baby sleep front. If you've read anything I've written lately…
I still love being a mom... ...but lately I feel like I'm losing my mind a little bit. It feels like the baby fusses All.…