I love this human. She makes me laugh harder than anyone on earth, she challenges me, and she makes me want to be better. Because…
Category: Daily Photo
I love my trees.
This morning, I got to sit and snuggle and read. And then the day got busy. And by the end of the day, I want so badly…
We got our newborn pictures back today. Our photographer is one of those people that had her shit together. You know? She sends you detailed…
Three months old today. :) What did we ever do without her?
These days, no matter how tired or overwhelmed I am, I don't want to be anywhere but with them.
My grandpa got sick this week. Really sick, really fast. They took him in for surgery this afternoon, so I left in the middle of…
This is why it is so important to slow down. So that we can take the time to be clear on what matters and what…
Be grateful. Be grateful for every moment. Even the moments that feel messy and full of chaos and sugar and noise. These moments, they won't…
She's had a little cold. Tonight she wanted to take a box of Kleenex in her room. Seeing the potential for distraction from much-needed sleep,…