Third day of the youngest’s fever but she’s still handling it like a trooper and her temp ran a little lower today than the day before and the day before so hopefully it’s a sign we are moving in the right direction. The nights have been a little rough as she has some nasal swelling or congestion that doesn’t seem to bother her during the day but makes sleep breathing loud and more restless than usual.
My amazing husband has taken a couple of long night shift stretches so I can get some sleep. Since older sisters both went back to school today but this one can’t until she is 24 hours fever free, and since daddy needed to get caught up some work stuff, she and I walked over to the park and had the playground to ourselves and found some more owl pellets to add to our growing collection and enjoyed the warm sunshine.
I got some work done. I did the dishes. I read the girls another chapter of Harry Potter before bed. And now I’m catching up on the back log of daily photo posts.
This morning I didn’t want to send the older two back to school. I want to keep them home so we can all have a stretch of being healthy. But they went and they had good days and we had a good day so all around it was a good day.