Yesterday was a two-photo day. Today I didn’t take a single picture. (This is the kitchen backsplash I did on New Years Eve. )
Today was the first day back to school. I though this would be a milestone in our pandemic journey. My kids are officially vaccinated. My husband and I are vaccinated and boosted. In my mind when I looked toward this moment and spring semester it was with the belief that vaccines would free us from having to worry about COVID-19. The kids could go back to school and I wouldn’t have to be nervous about mask mandates or the lack thereof.
Then Omicron arrived. Numbers are already jumping. South Heartland Health District logged the second highest number of positives of the whole pandemic today.
With the most transmissible variant yet and no mitigation efforts happening in school, it feels like sending my kids to school is to resign myself to the fact that we are going to get Covid. After almost two years of distancing and masking and being able to avoid it, to put our family in such a likely exposure situation seems terrifying.
But is this how a pandemic ends? We all get all the protection we can and then we drive straight into the storm and hope it’s enough that we come out the other side?
Hell if I know.
I want my kids to stay healthy and safe. I want to be able to go about our lives and school and work without the nonstop illness that felt like our October and December. I want this pandemic to GTFOH.
I want summer break LOL.
So that’s my rant tangent. All in all the first day back to school went well. Everyone seems to have had a good day and was in a good mood and fell asleep quickly tonight. Routine is good and I can see how much they are learning from their ventures out into the world. That’s is the point, after all.
So I shouldn’t complain. It was a good enough day, for a Tuesday, and now I’m tucked into my warm house with my children sleeping and my amazing husband and I’m grateful despite all the things it feels like there are to worry about. Perhaps even more so because of them.
Stay safe out there, friends.