In case all the years of parenting are disappearing from my memory in my constant state of exhaustion, Facebook kindly reminds me. This is from…
I picked her up from school on Tuesday. It was the week of Valentine's Day and we had spent Monday decorating her Valentine's box to…
Parenting is... When they break a toy within three minutes of getting it out of the package and you spend twenty minutes holding it…
By some kind of infant magic/witchcraft, this baby stuck her pacifier in my hair where it is now STUCK. Like, very stuck. #momlife #problemsyouneverexpectedtohaveever
Every experience you have changes you. Sometimes they are big, sweeping, overwhelming, sudden changes. Sometimes they are slight, unnoticeable. But even the slight and unnoticeable…
Report cards. When I was a kid, I used to love report card time. I usually did pretty well in school, so it meant a…
Wtf as in Where the Eff did the last six months go? I blinked and suddenly I hadn't written for months. Hashtag parenthood, amiright? MONTHS.…
We went on a mommy/daughter date to see the movie Cinderella. It was actually a pretty good movie. I don’t really want to get…
Years ago, I met a teacher of mine who taught the mantra, “You are not broken. You don’t need to be fixed.” At the…
Years ago while working in education, when I first began planning curriculum/activities for students and teachers, I had a revelation. We always had a…